Monday, March 21, 2016

Here we go...

Let me introduce ourselves. We are the Drunk Book Club. We all like to read, (but really, who doesn't?) we don't drink anything stronger than sparkling cider, and perhaps the occasional Mountain Dew or Shirley Temple, and we are most certainly not (the furthest thing from, in fact) organized. Some consider our grouping humorous  (What happens when a brunette, two blondes and a red-head walk into a bar?), but we are deadly serious... about nothing in particular. We are all at very different points in our lives, and really it's a wonder we all became friends in the first place. At some point, we realized we were all pieces to a really amazing puzzle, and come boys, jobs, moving, missions, babies or school, we were going to stay as close as soap on a sponge, and thank goodness for that, because we'd all probably be in separate nut houses if we didn't have each other to balance out the crazy. We are just four friends who met at church, and it's been a wild and crazy ride ever since.
So, here is our ribbon-cutting ceremony, all wrapped up with a nice little bow, for you.

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